Join our 38-year Heber Valley Tradition!   

Welcome to the Heber Valley Piano Festival registration page!  We hope that you join us this year as we carry on this great tradition of celebrating young pianists in the Heber Valley!  

Festival Categories

Baroque or Classical- Must be memorized to get a Superior rating.  Composer lived around 1600-1820. 

Romantic or Contemporary-  Must be memorized to get a Superior rating.  Composer lived around 1820 to current.

Pop or Jazz- Popular, movie themes, blues, ragtime, spirituals, boogie, New Age, etc. 

Duet and/or Accompaniment- Submitted at registration.  Choose one or both. If you do both, the HIGHEST SCORE of the two will be used toward the Superior Musician Award.  Video record the performance.  

Primer students may play their duet with an adult or student, but Levels 1+ must be with partnered with other students (or will not qualify for Superior ranking). 

Take the video with a side view so that we can see the student's side view and hands on the keys.   Two-piano duets are acceptable for online submission.  

There is no limit on group size for accompaniment, but make sure the accompanist is clearly viewed in the video recording.

Technique- Submitted at registration.  Make sure you're using an updated (2023) technique list, which includes specific keys to be played on each level.  Please see the attachment below with the specific scales, chords, arpeggios, etc. to prepare for each level, using the new key signatures.  In the recording the student should:

  1. Announce their name, level, and key signatures they'll be playing in.  
  2. Perform each requirement.  The order is flexible.  You can play all exercises in each key signature (i.e. Key of E scale, chords, arpeggio, etc) or you can do all scales in each key, then all chords in each key, then all arpeggios in each key, etc. 

Theory Test- In-person students: Friday, March 8, or Saturday, March 9, in the  Timpanogos Middle School cafeteria.  Drop in at a time that works for you.  Testing hours are Friday 5:00-7:30 PM, and Saturday 10:30AM- 1:00 PM.    On-line only: Tests will be mailed, and administered by your teacher or parent.

Composition- Submitted at Registration.  

  1.  Submit a video recording of the student playing their composition (MP4 or MOV files accepted). 
  2. Submit a pdf of the composition written out.  Can be handwritten or use musical notation software (MuseScore, Noteflight, Sibelius, Finale, etc). 


All entrants will be adjudicated by professional musicians or upper-level university students. Entrants will not be competing against each other, but against themselves (With the exception of an award given to the Levels 8-10 student who earns the highest point total).  

Participants will be rated as follow:

Superior with Honors    100

Superior                        90-99

Excellent                       80-89

Very Good                    70-79

Good                             60-69


Students entering at least six categories who receive 5 out of 6 Superiors, will be named “Superior Musicians”.  Those who earn Superior Musician will receive a commemorative bust of a composer (levels 0-7) or a trophy (levels 8-10).  

Each participant will receive a Certificate of Achievement for participating in the Festival.  Rewards will be donated by some of our local businesses for those that enter all categories.


Open during the month of January, 2024.

Categories that are due at registration:  1. Composition (video & pdf) 2. Technique (video) 3. Duet and/or Accompaniment (video(s)).  

On-line Only Option:

Students can submit most of the entries online, with the exception of Theory Test.  

Composition, Technique, and Duet/or Accompaniment are due at registration.  

The theory test will be sent in the mail and administered by the parent.  When complete the parent will submit through a Dropbox file (emailed to you).  Due by Monday, February 26, 2024.

Baroque/Classical, Romantic/Contemporary, and Pop/Jazz will be submitted to a Dropbox file (emailed to you), due by Friday, February 23, 2024.  

Judges notes, certificates, and awards will be mailed to participants.  


Thursday Master Class

In a Master Class all festival participants are invited to watch 6-8 students (Level 4 and above) perform one of their festival pieces and receive instruction from the guest master teacher.  Master Class attendees can take what they observe and apply it to their own repertoires.   Masterclasses are a wonderful resource of fresh perspectives for approaching musical interpretation and technique.

All festival participants who attend the Master Class will receive 5 bonus points that will be added to one of their scores.

Festival participants Levels 4 and above are eligible to be considered as Masterclass performers. Those who would like to be considered will need to indicate on the online Festival Registration Form, including the name of the piece they'd like to play.  

The Master Teacher will select the students who will perform.  Students who are chosen will be notified 1-2 weeks in advance.

Thursday Concert

Festival participants and community members are invited to see an advanced pianist(s) perform (generally about 45-60 min). This year's performer is our current Miss Utah 2023, Sarah Sun.  

The performer gives background about the pieces played, and concert etiquette is discussed.  This is a great opportunity for students to experience a concert in a low-key setting.  At the end of the concert there is a question/answer time where students can ask the performers any questions they might have.

All festival participants who attend the Concert will receive 5 bonus points that will be added to one of their scores.

Choosing the Correct Level 

Beginning students are often in the level that corresponds with the level of the method book they are playing in, but not always.  

The theory test is a great gauge to determine which level they are ready for (see test sample link below).  

[Note from Jan, the festival director: I've learned to be more conservative of what level I have a student sign up for, because the level of difficulty in theory advances pretty quickly from levels 3 to 5.]

  Students who participated in festival the previous year and earned "Superior Musician" are encouraged to move up to the next level the following year, because "Superior Musician" may only be earned once per level.

Video Submission  IMPORTANT

Composition, Technique, and Duet/or Accompaniment need to be video recorded and submitted with your entry form.  Composition also requires a pdf of the written score.

Please video from a side view, so judges can see fingers on the keys and form.

Video file types should be MP4 or MOV

Include the performers full name, category, and level when naming your files.  For example, Jane Doe playing her level 7 technique would label her song as:

Students should announce their piece by saying their name and the name of the song.  **THIS IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT IN DUETS so the judge knows which student to give comments to.

Mentioning the composer is optional.  

Bowing at the end of a performance is encouraged.

Please wear best dress when recording the duet or accompaniment.  Normal wear is fine for composition and technique.

Information and Practice Documents available to download or print:

Musical Period Guidelines.pdf

Technique requirements.pdf. (Most updated version is v 3.0)

Definitions & symbols.pdf

Theory Practice Test - All Levels 

  • LEVELS: 0 (primer) - 10
  • Student level should determined by previous year festival participation.
  • Students who received "Superior Musician" (formerly "Outstanding Musician") must advance one level in order to qualify for Superior Musician again.
  • Superior Musician may only be earned once per level.

Participants will be divided into two divisions:

    Division I:  Beginning levels 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

    Division 2:  Intermediate levels 5, 6, 7 and Advanced levels 8, 9, 10

Participants with Disabilities

Please check this box if your child will need adaptations for festival.

Piano Festival Categories

  • Music period: 1600-1820
    Needs to be memorized to receive Superior rating.
    On-line only participants: You will be sent a Drop Box Link with instructions to submit videos, due by Monday, March 6, 2023.

  • Music period: 1820-modern day
    Needs to be memorized to receive Superior rating.
    On-line only participants: You will be sent a Drop Box Link with instructions to submit videos, due by Monday, March 6, 2023.

  • Does not need to be memorized.
    On-line only participants: You will be sent a Drop Box Link with instructions to submit videos, due by Monday, March 6, 2023.

  • **Due at registration.**
    Duet partners do not need to be on the same level.
    Primer students may perform their duet with an adult or other student.
    All other levels must perform with another student (high school age or younger), or will not qualify for a Superior Rating.
    If you also do Accompaniment, your highest score of the two will count toward Superior Musician.

  • **Due at Registration**
    Submit a video (MP4 or MOV file). Have your student announce their performer and song, and video with a clear side view of the pianist and performer. Bowing is encouraged at the end. If you also do a Duet, your highest score of the two will count toward Superior Musician.

  • A practice music theory test is available on this website to print.
    On-line only participants: The test will be mailed to your parent/guardian who will administer the test. Instructions will be included for how to return.

  • **Due at registration**
    Guidelines for this category are available on a link found on this website. Each level has assigned Key Signatures.

  • **Due at registration.**
    Compositions must be submitted by the registration deadline. Students must upload both (1)pdf of the sheet music and (2) VIDEO recording.

March 8 & 9 Schedule and Requests

Friday, March 8

Group Rotations. -  Assigned times for each level will vary.

3:30-5:00 PM

6:00-7:30 PM

7:30-9:00 PM 

Theory Test

 **NEW TIMES** Will be offered from 5:00-7:30 PM, on a drop-in basis.  Students are encouraged to take the test before or after their scheduled performance time.  May be taken on Saturday, if needed.

Saturday, March 9

Group Rotations

  • Rotation 1: 8:15-10:30 AM **This will be the Advanced Level rotations (levels 8-10, and will last for 45-minutes each.  Students who are going for the Outstanding Advanced Musician award need to go at this time to qualify for the award.**
  • Rotation 2: 10:30AM -12:00 PM
  • Rotation 3: 1:00-2:30 PM

Theory Test

**NEW TIMES** Will be offered from 10:30 AM -1:00 PM, on a drop-in basis.  Students are encouraged to take the test before or after their scheduled performance time.  May be taken on Friday, if needed.

**Anyone with scheduling difficulties is encouraged to contact festival director Jan Judd at [email protected] with questions, or enter the on-line only option.**

Masterclass Performer

Please select the box if you'd like to considered as one of the Masterclass Performers at the Masterclass on Thursday, March 7, at 6:00 PM.  

Students level 4 and above will be considered and selected by the Master Teacher.

Students who are selected will be notified a few weeks in advance.

Masterclass Performers are given a short lesson (10 min) on one of their festival pieces by the Master Teacher, which is observed by other festival participants.  

Honors Concert Nominations

Students with outstanding performances are nominated by the judges to perform in the festival Honors Concert.  (Saturday, March 9, at 7:30 PM.)   

A festival committee member will contact you by phone that afternoon if your child is nominated.  

Please indicate if they're available to play in the Honors Concert, if nominated: 

  • Please call me if my child is nominated.

  • My child unavailable the evening of Saturday, March 9.

  • I'm not sure at this time, but please call if my child is nominated.

Submit your Duet and/or Accompaniment, Technique, and Composition-

Please remember to rename each file before uploading:  Student Name, Level, and category.  

For Example:  Jan Judd, Level 8, Technique, submitting an MP4 file would name the file:  JanJuddLv8Tech.MP4

Thank you!

Release Forms

I give my consent for my child's videos to be viewed by Heber Valley Piano Festival committee members and judges for the purpose of online adjudication.

I give my permission for my child's photos or videos to be used on the Heber Valley Piano Festival social media sites. (This includes pictures of various award winners).
I understand that these will be available for viewing on the internet and privacy cannot be guaranteed. I also give my consent for my child's teacher to share or publish the video for these purposes.

Questions?  Please contact

Festival Director, Jan Judd

email:  [email protected]

  • For Students doing 3 or more categories, with some being turned in at registration, and the other 3 main performance categories & test in person. Some category files due at registration. Convenience fee (6%) covers cost of registration service and credit card processing.

  • For students doing 3 or more categories, online only.
    Students will submit all categories on-line. Some category files due at registration. The others due by February 26, 2023 (a dropbox link will be emailed to you). Extra $10 to help cover any mailing costs. Convenience fee (6%) covers cost of registration service and credit card processing.

  • For students who only want to sign up for one in-person or online only category. Convenience fee (6%) covers cost of registration service and credit card processing.

  • For students who only want to sign up for two categories, in-person or online only. Convenience fee (6%) covers cost of registration service and credit card processing.


The Heber Valley Piano Festival is a non-profit event coordinated by a group of dedicated piano teachers in our valley. Registration fees cover the cost of judges, awards, composer busts and trophies, postage, equipment rental, piano movers, piano tuner, building insurance, school custodian, tech crew (if using the high school), refreshments, concert pianist, and master class teacher.  

Any sponsors and donations are greatly appreciated.


Volunteer Opportunities

  • Sit at the check-in table and help students and families know where to go.

  • Sit at the check-in table and help students and families know where to go. 2 hr shift.

  • Sit at the check-in table and help students and families know where to go. 2 hr shift.

  • Come at least 5 minutes early and pick up Group Judging packet. You'll deliver to the judge in each room. You'll also time each student and make sure they are within the required time limit.

  • Help set up and Take-down the photo back-drop in the foyer. Set up & take-down Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Hoping to assign one person per day.

  • Help set up and design (we have all supplies)- Friday after school, around 3:00 PM.

  • Willing to help with anything. We will contact you to see if you can help.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software